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“This is the most important docu-series we’ve ever created. In total, over 50 doctors, scientists, health experts, & freedom fighters are highlighted in this ‘one of a kind’ docu-series where we unite to RESTORE FREEDOM. Join us!
– Ty & Charlene Bollinger

The Truth About Cancer® Affiliate Program

$15 Million PAID In Affiliate Commissions since 2014

Don’t Miss Our Next $1MM+ Launch…

    October 23 – October 31, 2023
    November 1 – 9, 2023 at 9:00pm EST
    (1 Episode per day, for 9 days)
    November 11 – 12, 2023
    Shhh.. do not announce until Nov 11th!

Not an affiliate? Get signed up here!


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1. Dr. Bryan Ardis

2. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

3.  Silk (of Diamond and Silk)

4. Stew Peters

5. Erin Elizabeth - Health Nut News

as of yesterday midnight

About The Truth About Cancer®

Ty & Charlene Bollinger are founders of “The Truth About Cancer®” and “The Truth About Vaccines.” After enduring the painful loss of both of Ty’s parents and several relatives to cancer, they refused to accept the notion that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the most effective treatments available for cancer patients.

They set out on a life-changing mission to discover the TRUTH about cancer… find real answers… bring hope… and defeat this disease once and for all. Their work is their mission, it’s their personal way to honor those they have personally lost – and spare millions of fathers… mothers… sons… and daughters from ever having to endure the loss of a loved one to cancer. Ty and Charlene speak frequently at seminars, expos, conferences, and churches. Their message is clear: CANCER IS NOT A DEATH SENTENCE. THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE.

Here’s How Our Funnel Works

Simply send a few pre-written emails and share posts on your Facebook and Twitter feeds during the pre-launch phase of the launch, encouraging your readers to check out the video trailer page for that documentary launch.
All they need to do is opt in with their first name and email address, and we take it from there! Your readers get to watch our 8 episode documentary screening event completely FREE, with no strings attached starting on the day it launches.
On Day 1 of the event, one episode per day (anywhere between 60-90 minutes) will be released and available to watch for FREE for 24 hours.
Starting on Day 1, we will offer your readers the opportunity to buy the documentary episodes, and support our mission in the process of doing so.
And that’s when your commissions start coming in. You will earn 30-40% of every dollar they spend on the purchase of the documentary. Sales will increase as each episode is released, with a big boost before we close down the special pricing.
You’re paid 100% of commissions earned for the month on the last day of the following month.

Important Launch Dates


Email Swipes & Graphics

Everything you need to promote

Do not send or share links UNTIL Monday 10/23 at 12:01am ET. Pages will not be live until then.

Enter your affiliate ID below then click “Get Your Links” to automatically populate your links below and in the swipes.

Can’t find your affiliate id?
Email us at: affiliates@trunorthmanagementllc.com

Automatic Affiliate Link Generator

Get Your Links

Note: Make sure you enter your Affiliate ID and not your username or email.
Please contact us if you need your id.

REPLAY WEEKEND Do not send before 11/11 !

Video Trailer Link

eBook #1 Link

eBook #2 Link

Quiz Link

Creatives – Swipes


Choose One:

Unlock this Complimentary 59-page eBook (Shocking)

Shocking Stories of Medical Experimentation! [Complimentary eBook]

[FREE eBook] Discover the Horrific History of Human Guinea Pigs

Choose One:

Unlock this Complimentary 75-page eBook

Download “Big Pharma EXPOSED” [free eBook]

[FREE eBook] Discover the Truth About “Big Pharma”


[First Name],

For nearly as long as modern medicine has existed, so have egregious ethical violations. When you hear the term “medical experimentation,” your mind may recall the horrendous experiments conducted in Nazi Germany on Jews, communists, homosexuals, and an assortment of other “undesirables” under the Third Reich. 

But medical experimentation has been taking place in the USA for centuries. 

My friends, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, over at The Truth About Cancer® have compiled some of the sordid stories of medical experiments that have taken place in the USA since 1845. 

They’ve compiled these stories in a 59-page eBook –177 Years of Medical Experimentation -- which you can get as a FREE gift, right now. {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

This shocking eBook will take you back 177 years to 1845 and then walk you forward through the sordid history of medical experimentation in the USA. {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

This eBook is a brief history of just some of the horrendous, inhumane experiments conducted by the medical and scientific communities (often in partnership with the U.S. Government).


{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

When you download the eBook, you’ll automatically reserve your FREE “front row seat” to watch their brand-new, eye-opening, 9-episode docu-series – ‘Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED] The Truth About Health Freedom & Big Pharma’ – beginning November 1st.  


 P.S. Be sure to get your free eBook and reserve your spot now!  
{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

[First Name],

Did you know that the word “pharmaceutical” comes from the Greek word “pharmakeia” which means “sorcery” or “witchcraft”?

I’m not saying that ALL pharmaceutical drugs are bad and I’m not saying that pharmacists are “sorcerers” either … but it is an interesting etymology, isn’t it?

Oftentimes, today’s doctors are trained, funded, and accountable to Big Pharma. My friends, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, over at The Truth About Cancer® have put together a collection of true stories from the past several years exposing the corruption of Big Pharma. 

They’ve compiled these stories in a 75-page eBook – Big Pharma EXPOSED! -- which you can get as a FREE gift, right now. {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

When you download the eBook, you’ll automatically reserve your FREE “front row seat” to watch their brand-new, eye-opening, 9-episode docu-series – ‘Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED]  The Truth About Health Freedom & Big Pharma’ – beginning November 1st.  


 P.S. Click here to download your free eBook. {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Choose One:

“Big Pharma” HATES This Documentary!

Want to Squash Big Pharma’s LIES, [First_Name]?

CENSORED - Natural COVID Treatments that WORK!

Join me for TTAC’s “Propaganda EXPOSED! UNCENSORED”

Choose One:

Want to Protect Your Health & Maintain Freedom? OPEN this Email…

Change the Propaganda Radio Station! Watch this film!

[First_Name], join me for TTAC’s “Propaganda EXPOSED! UNCENSORED”

What if Everything You’ve Been Told was a LIE?

Choose One:

Why do they call it “TV Programming”? (ANSWER INSIDE)

SERIOUSLY Eye-Opening Epic Health Freedom Docu-Series

Join me for TTAC’s “Propaganda EXPOSED! UNCENSORED”

Discover the Secret that “Big Pharma” Won’t Tell You!



Yes, we’re finally starting to “make a dent” in Big Pharma’s blatant attempts to “brainwash” human beings for their own gain...

And yes, they frankly despise what we’re doing, because it means lost profit for them.

You see, we’re told (in TV and radio commercials) that people are sick because they are “chemically deficient.” We’re told that cancer patients have no other choice than to take chemotherapy. We’re told that claims of injury from covid-19 vaccines are merely “disinformation.” We’re constantly fed propaganda. 

That’s why I’m so excited to tell you that Ty and Charlene Bollinger (my friends over at The Truth About Cancer®) are about to release a brand-new, eye-opening, 9-episode docu-series -> ‘Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED] The Truth About Health Freedom & Big Pharma.’ {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

In total, over 50 doctors, scientists, health experts, and freedom fighters are featured in this “one of a kind” docu-series which will change lives, influence friends and family, and quite possibly “wake up” enough people to create a “tipping point” for truth and liberty.

And as always, they are going to release it FREE to the world! 

Click here to watch the trailer and find out why “Big Pharma” HATES this documentary!

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

It’s time to expose the propaganda and lies! It’s time to unite to fight back the forces of evil and censorship when it comes to freedom of choice in medical treatments, as well as saying “no” to forced vaccines. If we don’t stand up for health freedom and liberty now, then we may lose it forever. 

>> Register to Watch this 9-episode Docu-Series!

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Please join me at the global premiere of Propaganda EXPOSED [UNCENSORED] on November 1st. I look forward to seeing you there! {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


P.S. Be sure to reserve your spot to watch the entire 9-episode docu-series, which premieres free to the world beginning November 1st.  {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


What if almost everything you’ve been told about health and freedom was a lie?

What if natural remedies and preventions are actually “hiding in plain sight” but nobody is noticing them because the medical establishment and the mainstream media censor them?

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

You know something?  ...  We’ve all got blinders on.

It’s like we’re all listening to the same old radio station playing the same old stuff, over and over again. What most people don’t realize is that “Big Pharma” owns the radio stations, so all we get to hear is what they want to tell us. It’s called PROPAGANDA.

Most of us aren’t even aware that other stations, and other music, exists.

But it does!
{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

You’ve just got to learn how to change the station (figuratively, of course). Open your mind to the possibility that the truth lies outside of the mainstream media’s “official stories.” 

That’s what I’ve done! And that’s why I’m so excited to tell you that Ty and Charlene Bollinger (my friends over at The Truth About Cancer®) are about to release a brand-new, eye-opening, 9-episode docu-series -> Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED] The Truth About Health Freedom & Big Pharma.’ {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

In total, over 50 doctors, scientists, health experts, and freedom fighters are featured in this “one of a kind” docu-series which will change lives, influence friends and family, and quite possibly “wake up” enough people to create a “tipping point” for truth and liberty.

It’s time to expose the propaganda and lies! It’s time to unite to fight back the forces of evil and censorship when it comes to freedom of choice in medical treatments, as well as saying “no” to forced vaccines. If we don’t stand up for health freedom and liberty now, then we may lose it forever. 

>> Register to Watch this 9-episode Docu-Series!

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Please join me at the global premier of Propaganda EXPOSED [UNCENSORED] on November 1st. I look forward to seeing you there! {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


P.S. Be sure to reserve your spot to watch the entire 9-episode docu-series, which premieres free to the world beginning November 1st.  {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Do you remember a few years ago when NBC ran the story about the measles outbreak and how the “anti-vaxxers” were endangering our children? They showed a horrific photo of a baby covered with measles.  

But the photo was fake! It was “photoshopped” to appear that the poor little baby was sick with measles … only he really wasn’t. NBC getting busted for the “fake measles photo” is just one of literally HUNDREDS of examples of the mainstream media being dishonest. 

* Have you ever wondered why they call it TV “programming”?

* Have you ever heard a “breaking news” story that just didn’t make sense? 

* Have you ever felt like the media was spreading more propaganda than truth?

* Do you feel like Big Pharma’s pocketbook is more important to them than our health?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then you need to watch a brand-new, eye-opening, 9-episode docu-series -> ‘Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED] The Truth About Health Freedom & Big Pharma.’ {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

As long as I’ve known them, Ty and Charlene Bollinger (my friends over at The Truth About Cancer®), have been on a personal mission to share the truth about cancer and vaccines and expose the lies of the medical industry and mainstream media.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

In total, over 50 doctors, scientists, health experts, and freedom fighters are featured in this “one of a kind” docu-series which will change lives, influence friends and family, and quite possibly “wake up” enough people to create a “tipping point” for truth and liberty.

It’s time to expose the propaganda and lies! It’s time to unite to fight back the forces of evil and censorship when it comes to freedom of choice in medical treatments, as well as saying “no” to forced vaccines. If we don’t stand up for health freedom and liberty now, then we may lose it forever. 

I look forward to seeing you at the global premiere of Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED]


P.S. Be sure to reserve your spot to watch the entire 9-episode docu-series, which premieres free to the world beginning November 1st.  {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}



Snippet #1

When you hear the term “medical experimentation,” do you think of Nazi Germany? Did you know that medical experimentation has been taking place in the USA for centuries? Download the free shocking eBook >>

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #2

Discover the sordid history of medical experimentation in the USA. It’s been happening for centuries, “hidden in plain sight” … Download the free shocking eBook >>

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Snippet #1

Did you know that the word “pharmaceutical” comes from the Greek word “pharmakeia” which means “sorcery” or “witchcraft”? Download the free eBook>> {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #2

Is Big Pharma corrupt? Is their business model based on patient health or corporate profits? Discover the truth. Download the free eBook>> {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Snippet #1

Are we losing our health freedom? Is Big Pharma lying to us? What can we do? Take the health freedom quiz to find out: (It only takes 57 seconds!)

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #2

Are our health freedoms being trampled? Is money driving the decisions in DC? Take the health freedom quiz to find out: (It only takes 57 seconds!)

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Snippet #1

What if you’ve been lied to … about almost EVERYTHING? What if the Mainstream Media was all reading from the same script … LITERALLY the exact same script? Discover the TRUTH in this eye-opening documentary – “Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED]” – Reserve Your Seat Here:

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #2

What if the same PROPAGANDA techniques used in Nazi Germany were still being used today in the USA? Join us for an event like no other! Discover the TRUTH in this eye-opening documentary – “Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED]” – You can watch it FREE here:

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #3

What if there was a coordinated conspiracy to brainwash the masses into believing ONLY the “official stories”? Uncover the LIES and discover the TRUTH in this groundbreaking 9-day free event – “Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED]” – Register now to save your “front row” seat >>

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #4

What if the US Government knowingly performed medical experiments on its own citizens, without their knowledge or consent? Discover the TRUTH in this eye-opening documentary – “Propaganda EXPOSED! [CENSORED]” Don’t miss this incredible FREE broadcast. Sign up here >>> 

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #5

What if the entire COVID pandemic was about CONTROL and not a virus? What if public health officials had another agenda? Discover the TRUTH in this eye-opening documentary – “Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED]” – Reserve Your Seat Here:

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #6

It’s time to unite to fight back the forces of evil and censorship and say “no” to forced medical interventions. It’s time to fight for bodily autonomy. Watch the documentary that will save medical freedom – “Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED]” – You can watch it FREE here:

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #7

What if the FDA and CDC had committed scientific FRAUD? What if natural remedies were being actively suppressed? Lies are exposed and truth is revealed in this eye-opening documentary – “Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED]” – Reserve Your Seat Here:

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #8

It’s time to STOP obeying tyrannical mandates. It’s time for non-compliance. It’s time to fight for personal FREEDOM of choice. Reserve your “front row” seat for a groundbreaking 9-episode documentary – “Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED]” – Register now >>

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #9

Sickness is BIG business these days, and far too often profits take priority over patients. Discover the TRUTH in this groundbreaking 9-day free event – “Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED]” – Register now to save your “front row” seat >> 

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}



Choose One:

My Dad can beat up Your Dad!

[QUIZ] Coronavirus vs. Constitution

Mandatory Vaccines vs. Health Freedom (take 54 second quiz)

[QUIZ] “Are Your Health Freedoms Being Trampled?”

Choose One:

[QUIZ] How much do you know about Health Freedom?

[Name], is your Health Freedom being trampled? (54 second quiz)

Do we LOSE our Rights amidst a “Pandemic”?



Remember in grade school when we would get into verbal spats with our classmates, and in the end, we would resort to silly hypothetical sayings like, “My dad can beat up your dad”?

Well, here’s another hypothetical that’s not all that silly or unrealistic:

If the US Constitution fought the Coronavirus, which one would win?

In light of the previous 3 years of “lockdowns” and “quarantines” due to the coronavirus, many are beginning to question whether or not the government has overstepped its authority. Millions of people across the world are wondering whether our Constitutional liberties and due process should “vanish” because of a virus. 

 Many are asking the poignant question: “Are our health freedoms being trampled?”

My good friends, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, have put together a “health freedom” quiz that I think will be not only “interesting” to take, but also very informative as well.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Once you take the quiz, you’ll receive a downloadable eBook titled 177 Years of Medical Experimentation which will take you back 177 years to 1845 and then walk you forward through the sordid history of medical experimentation in the USA. {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Remember the quote from Dr. Benjamin Rush, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence: “Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship.”

Take 54 seconds and go take the “health freedom” quiz. {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

And also remember … those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.


P.S. Click here to take the quiz and receive your free eBook. When you do, you’ll automatically reserve your FREE “front row seat” to watch Ty and Charlene Bollinger’s brand-new, eye-opening, 9-episode docu-series – Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED] The Truth About Health Freedom & Big Pharma – beginning November 1st.  {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


 “Are we free?”

 That question used to seem ludicrous in the USA, didn’t it?

 Growing up, we would say “of course we’re free.” 

 But lately, it seems that our freedoms are being taken away at an alarming rate! Especially when it comes to our health.

In light of the past 3 years of “lockdowns” and “quarantines” due to covid, many are beginning to question whether or not the government has overstepped its authority. Millions of people across the world are wondering whether our civil liberties and due process should “vanish” because of a virus. 

 Many are asking the poignant question: “Are our health freedoms being trampled?”

My good friends, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, have put together a “health freedom” quiz that I think will be not only “interesting” to take, but also very informative as well.

Once you take the quiz, you’ll receive a downloadable eBook titled 177 Years of Medical Experimentation which will take you back 177 years to 1845 and then walk you forward through the sordid history of medical experimentation in the USA. {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Take 54 seconds and go take the “health freedom” quiz. {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking this information is too fast or simple to make a difference in your life.  As the saying goes: “small hinges swing large doors.”

And remember, those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.


P.S. Click here to take the quiz and receive your free eBook. When you do, you’ll automatically reserve your FREE “front row seat” to watch Ty and Charlene Bollinger’s brand-new, eye-opening, 9-episode docu-series – Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED] The Truth About Health Freedom & Big Pharma – beginning November 1st.  {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

NOTE: Landers are not live until Monday October 23rd at 12:01 AM ET.



Snippet #1

What if you’ve been lied to … about almost EVERYTHING? What if the Mainstream Media was all reading from the same script … LITERALLY the exact same script? Discover the TRUTH in this eye-opening documentary – “Propaganda EXPOSED [UNCENSORED]” – You can watch it FREE here:

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #2

What if the same PROPAGANDA techniques used in Nazi Germany were still being used today in the USA? Join us for an event like no other! Discover the TRUTH in this eye-opening documentary – “Propaganda EXPOSED [UNCENSORED]” – You can watch it FREE here:

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #3

What if there was a coordinated conspiracy to brainwash the masses into believing ONLY the “official stories”? Uncover the LIES and discover the TRUTH in this groundbreaking 9-episode free event – “Propaganda EXPOSED [UNCENSORED]” – You can watch it FREE here:

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #4

What if the US Government knowingly performed medical experiments on its own citizens, without their knowledge or consent? Discover the TRUTH in this eye-opening documentary – “Propaganda EXPOSED [UNCENSORED]” Don’t miss this incredible FREE broadcast. You can watch it FREE here:

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #5

What if the entire COVID pandemic was about CONTROL and not a virus? What if public health officials had another agenda? Discover the TRUTH in this eye-opening documentary – “Propaganda EXPOSED [UNCENSORED]” – You can watch it FREE here:

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #6

It’s time to unite to fight back against the forces of evil and censorship and say “no” to forced medical interventions. It’s time to fight for bodily autonomy. Watch the documentary that will save medical freedom – “Propaganda EXPOSED [UNCENSORED]” – You can watch it FREE here:

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #7

What if the FDA and CDC had committed scientific FRAUD? What if natural remedies were being actively suppressed? Lies are exposed and truth is revealed in this eye-opening documentary – “Propaganda EXPOSED [UNCENSORED]” – You can watch it FREE here:

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Snippet #8

Sickness is BIG business these days, and far too often profits take priority over patients. Discover the TRUTH in this groundbreaking free event – “Propaganda EXPOSED [UNCENSORED]” – You can watch it FREE here:

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Choose One:

LAST DAY! Replay weekend ends at Midnight … (watch now)

[First_Name], watch all 9 Episodes for FREE!

Big Pharma HATES this documentary! Find out WHY!

Stop what you’re doing and watch this…

Choose One:

It’s so good! I’m watching it again!

[Special Encore Weekend] TTAC’s “Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED]”

**48 Hour TTAC Replay Marathon** (viewing link)

[Name], you do NOT want to miss this ENCORE presentation…



Today is the last day!

TTAC’sPropaganda EXPOSED [UNCENSORED] replay weekend ends at midnight tonight, so be sure you take the time today to watch whatever episodes you missed…{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

You need to watch this docu-series!

Knowledge is power! Truth exposes the lies!

You’ll see that we can maintain freedom! 

Thanks to documentaries like this, we’re finally starting to “make a dent” in Big Pharma’s blatant attempts to “brainwash” and “propagandize” human beings for their own gain…

And yes, they frankly despise what we’re doing because it means lost profit for them.


{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

>> Click HERE to WATCH all 9 Episodes for FREE

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

And today, Ty and Charlene are hosting a ‘Freedom Leaders Roundtable’ discussion at noon ET with Sean Stone, Esai Morales, and Dr. Robert W. Malone, MD … so you do NOT want to miss it.

It’s time to expose the propaganda and lies! It’s time to unite to fight back the forces of evil and censorship. If we don’t stand up for health freedom and liberty now, then we may lose it forever. 

Propaganda EXPOSED (UNCENSORED) will provide you with the information you need.  {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


P.S. This documentary could literally change your life or the life of someone you love!  Forward this email to your family and friends, and make sure you watch while you still have time. Click here to watch now. All 9 Episodes will be taken down tonight at midnight…

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


I have a very important question for you…

Did you miss TTAC’s amazing 9-episode docu-series “Propaganda EXPOSED (UNCENSORED)” when it played live this week?

If you did, then I have GOOD NEWS!!  

Ty & Charlene and our friends at The Truth About Cancer® have decided to have a REPLAY WEEKEND! This weekend ONLY (November 11th and 12th) is the last time you’ll be able to watch “Propaganda EXPOSED (UNCENSORED)” for free. {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

There were millions of people who tuned in to watch this amazing 9-episode docu-series, but there are millions more who need to see it. So, they’re airing all 9 episodes again for the next 48 hours. And the best part is, they’re all FREE to watch today and tomorrow! {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

If any of your friends or family missed the series, forward this email to them and they’ll be able to watch too (without having to even register).

And today, Ty and Charlene are hosting a ‘Freedom Leaders Roundtable’ discussion at noon ET with Stew Peters, Dr. Robert W. Malone, MD, Dr. Peter McCullough, Sean Stone, and Dr. Bryan Ardis … so you do NOT want to miss it. 

Grab some organic popcorn and kombucha and have a “power viewing” weekend!


P.S. Remember, all 9 episodes will be up for the next 40 hours or so (until midnight Sunday night) so be sure to set some time aside and enjoy watching again (or for the first time).

>> Watch ALL 9 Episodes HERE!

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

NOTE: Replay weekend is not live until Saturday November 11th, at 12:01 AM ET.



→ Click a banner below to view and right-click and save-as to download.
  → (Faster) Right-click on any thumbnail and save-as to also download full-size image.

Upload banners to your website/blog or share through email or social media.
Be sure to use the link generator above to get your link and swipe copy to use with the corresponding banner.

REPLAY WEEKEND Banners (Email / Social / Web)

Click to review / Right-Click to download

1. Restore Freedom

2. Fight Back

3. Magnum Opus

4. Truth Army

EXPERTS Banners (Email / Social / Web)

Click Here to Download All Prelaunch Trailer Banners in One Zip File

Over 50 health and freedom experts are highlighted in this “one of a kind” docu-series, including…


Esai Morales

Award-winning Actor and Devoted Truth Seeker

Dr. Robert Malone, MD

Inventor of mRNA Vaccines, Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine

Sean Stone

American Actor, Filmmaker,
& Television Host

Robert F Kennedy, Jr.

Environmental Attorney & Author

John & Alicia Schneider

Natural Health Advocates

Dr. Judy Mikovits

Molecular Biologist / Whistleblower

Roger Stone

Author, Political Consultant & Patriot

Mike Adams

Independent Journalist & Researcher

Dr. Omar Hamada, MD

Physician & US Army Veteran

Angela Stanton-King

Author, Speaker & Media Host

Del Bigtree

Host of “The Highwire” & Founder of ICAN

Karyn Turk

Real America’s Voice Correspondent

Greg Locke

Pastor & Freedom Loving Patriot

Dr. Andrew Wakefield

Physician & Film Producer

Zach Vorhies

“The Google Whistleblower”

Mikki Willis

Investigative Filmmaker & Producer of “Plandemic”

Kristin Davis

Publicist & Libertarian Patriot

John B. Wells

Syndicated Radio Host & Patriot

Dr. Edward Group

Founder of Global Healing

Leila Centner

Founder and CEO of Centner Academy

Dr. Billy DeMoss

Robert Scott Bell

Author, Lecturer, & Syndicated Host of the “Robert Scott Bell Show”

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Physician, Author, Lecturer, Consultant, And Vaccine Expert

Scott McKay

The “Patriot Streetfighter”

Leigh Allyn Baker

Actress & Health Freedom Advocate

Landon & Robby Starbuck

Running For Us Congress
Fighting For Freedom
Fighting Against Human Trafficking

G Edward Griffin

Author, Lecturer,
and Filmmaker

Dr. Alan Keyes

Former Ambassador to the United Nations

David Avocado Wolfe

Natural Health Pioneer, Medicinal Mushroom Hunter & Detox Expert

Krystal Tini

Freedom Fighter

Mel K

Sleuth Hollywood Journalist, Producer, & Whistleblower Host of the Mel K Show

Jim Moody

Civil Rights Attorney

Dr. Carrie Madej, DO

Doctor of Internal Medicine

Dr. Daniel Nuzum

Phd Naturopathic Medicine Indigenous Medicine and Osteopathic Physical Medicine

Senator Mark Pody

Tennessee Senator

Cherie Calbom

The “Juice Lady”

Dr. Patrick Quillin

Author, Lecturer, And Nutritional Expert

Lourdes and Chris LaVoy

Actors, Health Freedom Advocates, Cancer Survivor

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, MD

Scientist and Biochemist

Dr. Terry Harmon

Holistic Chiropractor & Member of US Wellness Advisory Council

Gary Humble

Executive Director of
Tennessee Stands

Jeffrey Smith

Filmmaker, Researcher, World Renowned Gmo Expert, and Lecturer

Dr. Matthias Rath, M.D.

Founder of Dr. Rath Research Institute (Netherlands)

Dr. Brian Hooker

Chief Scientific Officer for Children’s Health Defense

Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D.

Pediatrician, Standing For Love, Truth & Freedom

Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat, M.D.

Author, Holistic Physician & Surgeon

Dr. Irvin Sahni, M.D.

Lecturer and Scientist

Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Ph.D

Director of Research – Dr. Rath Research Institute (Netherlands)

Meet The TTAC Team…


Ty Bollinger

Our Host and TTAC co-owner, Ty Bollinger, is “the man to know” and a recognized pillar of the alternative cancer movement. He’s been all over TV and radio promoting our documentary – not to mention that he’s interviewed the best of the best – more than 150 doctors, experts and survivors from all over the world in his search to educate, expose and eradicate cancer around the world.


Charlene Bollinger

Our Host, TTAC Founder, and CEO, Charlene Bollinger, is a leader in the Health Freedom and Patriot movement and one of the movers and shakers receiving the “Paradigm Shifter in Alternative Medicine” Award in 2017. She has recently created a Luxury, Toxic-Free skincare line of products, CHARLÍS. The titles she enjoys most are Christian, wife, and mother. It is for God and her family and future generations that she strives to make this a better, more free and healthy world alongside her husband, Ty. Together they have brought truth and life in abundance into the world for over 2 decades.

Director of Operations

Dess Diaz

Dess grew up in a small town in Utah where she met and married her husband and is raising her three beautiful daughters. Health and choice have been two of her life long passions. When she had the opportunity to work in The Truth About Cancer she jumped for it and has loved every minute of it! When she isn’t working she loves working in her garden and spending time with her family.

Business Administrator

Bridget Wenum

Originally from Cincinnati Ohio, Bridget Wenum is one of the newest members of the TTAC Affiliate team. She brings with her a unique skill set based on her previous adventures both in the Navy and various roles in the civilian world. Highlights included working as a Donor Resource Consultant after 9/11 and serving as the Executive Director for a non-profit that supported children in the foster care system. Bridget has a Bachelors in social psychology and a master’s in Organizational leadership.


For all questions about being an affiliate, joint ventures, and how to make the most from this promotion, contact us at affiliates@trunorthmanagementllc.com.

A: You can find all tested swipe emails, banners, social media posts, etc, on this page in the Copy & Creatives section above.

We want to make it as easy as possible for you. We will send out regular emails with information about the launch. If there is something specific you need to help promote our events, let us know — we will make sure to get it over to you.

We will be paying out 100 percent of commissions earned for the month on the last day of the month of the following month (to account for refunds, if any).

Example: All commissions earned in November will be paid at the end of December. Please note: commissions of $5 or less due are only paid via PayPal.

Please be aware that we won’t pay out commissions until we have your latest, accurate W9/W8-BEN on file. To receive your commissions for the month, your tax forms must be submitted by the 15th of that month to affiliates@trunorthmanagementllc.com. For example: To receive commissions earned in January, your tax forms must be submitted by February 15th.

A: You’ll earn 40% commissions on all digital products and 30% on all physical product sales.

A: Our cookies and leads are set to 30 days. We use the first cookie as the affiliate credited with all sales for that indiviudal.

A: Yes, after you sign up to be an affiliate, you can login to our affiliate system here. Click on Reports and select the Quick Stats and/or Trend Reports to see your stats.

Your username should be the email address you signed up with. Hint: it’s the same email address where you’ve been receiving the affiliate emails: affiliates@trunorthmanagementllc.com.

If you can’t figure out your password, click here to reset your current password.

If you still can’t login, email us at: affiliates@trunorthmanagementllc.com, and we’ll send you your email and a new password.

A: You won’t see instant sales/commissions from your promotional efforts during our pre-launches. After your people sign up for the free airing of the docu-series event, they will go through a launch sequence that will deliver amazing value and also generate a lot more sales then going straight to a sales page.

You’ll start to see sales coming in on November 1th and they’ll increase every day with the most happening November 9 and 10 and then again during our replay weekend.

For the first premier of the TTAV docu-series launch, our affiliates earned an average of $2.86 EPC (earnings per click) and $6.54 EPL (earnings per lead) for warm email traffic from mailing during our pre-launch.

The absolute BEST thing you can do is send as many people as you can to the video trailer sign-up page which is where your affiliate links link to. The more people that sign up through your affiliate link, the more money you will make.

1. To check how many leads you have referred:

>>Reports → Trends Report (shows for the last 30 days): Scroll down under Opt-ins

2. Sales will start to roll in beginning November 1 through the close out of the launch and even after the replay weekend.

For clicks and sales stats:>>Reports → Quick stats, select custom date for all of November and run report.

You’ll start to see commissions in your affiliate account starting the evening episode 1 airs during the event (starting around 10pm Eastern). Sales start slow and continue to rise through the end of day following the replay weekend. Get as many leads signed up to the event as possible, you’ll be glad you did come commissions time 🙂

Login Link: https://affiliates.thetruthaboutcancer.com/affiliates/login.php#login
UN: email address
PW: (you set your pw when you created your TTAC acct.). To reset your password email us directly at: affiliates@trunorthmanagementllc.com

A: We have a main video trailer page which you should use to promote during pre-launch period, October 23 – November 1. That page includes a video of what to expect in Propaganda Exposed! docu-series. Your people can easily opt-in to get access to this for FREE beginning November 1.

We also have 3 articles you can share (great for Facebook) that are more content heavy. Your leads will be tracked to you if people opt in through your article affiliate links. To get your affiliate links for articles, please enter in your referral id in the link generator above, Customize links and your links will be under the drop down 8,9,10 and 16 along with snippets you can use to promote those articles.

A: If you’ve clicked on any of your affiliate links BEFORE October 31st at 12:01am EST, your computer may have cached the countdown timer or the grayed out opt-in form. Please clear your cache if your affiliate links aren’t working.

The Truth About Cancer Affiliate Access

Join Us in Another $1,000,000 Launch

© Copyright 2014 – 2023 TTAC Publishing, LLC

The Truth About Cancer® is a registered Trademark of TTAC Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The content of this website is based on research conducted by TTAC Publishing, LLC, unless otherwise noted. The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. TTAC Publishing encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.

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